Down to the panel
Through the garage
Into the house through the 3 inch pipe
In other news a culvert pipe showed up in the parking lot at work a few weeks back. It is about 10ft long with a 1.5ft inside diameter. They have been doing road construction in the area so I figured it belonged to them. I finally found a guy working on our side of the road and he said it didn't belong to them so I hauled it out to the house. I plan to build the low area of the drive up so it wont get washed out by a heavy rain.
We also made a trip to the home show and talked to a few garage door companies. We really want to look of wood without the maintenance We may go with something like this. It's not perfect but it fits the budget much better than the fiberglass doors.
We also had some great weather for January. They finished getting the doors put in this week, but the weather was so decent we ended up just leaving them open most of the weekend. It was pretty breezy on Saturday and it did a pretty good job of getting the mud dried up. We got some dirt work done and we should get a bit more done later in the week.